Submit Your Discord Bots

Please fill out the submission form below!

You can find your bot's Application ID on the Discord Developer Portal

People might have questions about your bot, make sure you can answer them! Paste the link to your Discord Bots support server!

A website is a great way to tell people more about your bot! Paste the link here if you have one!

What language do you use to code your discord bot?

Is your library not here? Report it in our discord server!

Want to tell anything to the person reviewing your bot?

Select up to 20 categories that best represent your bot.

Well, how are people meant to invite your bot without an Invite URL? Just paste it here.

In 50-300 characters, provide a short description of your bot! This is what everyone sees so try to make it good! (Does Not Support Markdown)

Tell us all about your bot! What makes your bot stand out? What commands does your bot have? What features does your bot bring to the table? Use 500-5000 characters and you can use Markdown (it truly looks much better! look at this tutorial)!

Submit Bots & Apps | Guardian Bot List